Brady Talley

We are Ivy

At Ivy, everyone is welcome. Finding a community and getting involved prepares you for a successful future in business.

Creating a culture that celebrates you

At the Ivy College of Business, we strive to build a culture that celebrates the unique contributions of our students, faculty, and staff. It’s not just a statement in our strategic plan, although it is there. At Ivy, we celebrate having students, faculty, and staff from across Iowa, the United States, and the world.

In many ways, we lead by example. We have a commitment to recruit and retain diverse faculty, staff, and students. We play a vital role in helping you (the future employee), companies, and future leaders meet the needs of the changing American workforce.

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Director of Multicultural Student Success

The director:

  • Provides academic counselling towards student success for all business students.
  • Serves as the advisor to the Multicultural Business Network.
  • Serves as the academic advisor for Academic Program for Excellence (APEX), Bergstrom Achievement Scholars (BAS), George Washington Carver Scholastic Leadership (GWCSL), and First Cyclone Scholarship Program (FCSP).
  • Assists with student recruitment, retention, and mentorship.
  • Coordinates events and initiatives for student success at Ivy.
  • Collaborates with the university’s office of Multicultural Student Affairs Office to provide programs.

For more information, email or call 515-294-8300.

Brady L. Talley, multicultural student success director (far right) pictured with the Multicultural Business Network (MBN) student group.

Multicultural Business Network

Students in the Multicultural Business Network benefit from a collection of unique opportunities for professional development, such as mock interviews, panels for professional insights, networking opportunities, volunteering, and meeting with potential employers. They meet every other week. Learn more.


Building Our Community

The goal of the Building Our Community event is to strengthen our college community, to connect with you as a way to learn more about your experiences at the college and the university.

This annual event, Building Our Community, is an opportunity to strengthen our college community and to connect with you to learn more about your experiences at the college and the university.

International Students

The Ivy College of Business welcomes students from nearly 50 countries and regions. Approximately 400 undergraduate international students are currently enrolled in the college. We celebrate world cultures and strive to cultivate intercultural understanding among our students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to fostering international student success. Learn more about international student resources at Iowa State.

The Thomas L. Hill Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE)

As a student, you are invited to join faculty and staff from Ivy and across campus in this annual, comprehensive forum on issues of race and ethnicity at Iowa State University and beyond. The local conference is designed to model the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE). The NCORE-ISCORE Project consists of a delegation of Iowa State students, faculty, and staff who attend the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education and then return to campus to share information and experiences with the university community. Learn more about ISCORE.

Thomas L. Hill ISCORE Conference on Race and Ethnicity: Toyia Younger, senior vice president of Student Affairs; Beate Schmittmann, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Science; David Spalding, Ivy College of Business Raisbeck Endowed Dean; Wendy Wintersteen, president, Iowa State University; Japannah Kellogg, director of the NCORE-ISCORE office.

Bergstrom Achievement Scholarship

The Bergstrom Foundation, the charity founded by Kelley (‘65 industrial administration) and Joan Bergstrom of Key Colony Beach, Florida, has committed $5.3 million to establish the Bergstrom Achievement Scholarship Program and help ensure students with a range of backgrounds have access to higher education at the Ivy College of Business. The Bergstrom Achievement Scholarship pays for about two-thirds of a student’s tuition and is targeted toward East High School students in Des Moines, Iowa, first-generation students, and U.S. military veterans. It will offer support to 24 Bergstrom Scholars, approximately six new scholars each year. Learn more about scholarship opportunities at Ivy.

“The Bergstroms’ extraordinary commitment helps advance one of Iowa State’s most important priorities, to welcome and support students from diverse backgrounds who come here to pursue their dreams,” Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen said. “The Bergstroms’ generosity will directly benefit talented, hardworking students and help them achieve those dreams.”

Students from East High School in Des Moines, Iowa, participate in an event at the Ivy College of Business to learn more about the Bergstrom Achievement Scholarship program.

Business is global

The world of business is yours to explore, and we are here to support you. At Ivy, we encourage all business students to participate in a study abroad experience. There are many options to choose from, and scholarships are available to help. We will help you select a study abroad program that fits your schedule, budget, and sense of adventure. We have partnered with quality institutions around the world that offer business classes in English for your experience. Another option is to take an international study course and learn while you travel with your classmates and professor during a semester break. Learn more about the international programs offered at Ivy.

Women in Business

At the Ivy College of Business, we enthusiastically support women in business so we can provide the talent businesses tell us they need. Gender balance is good for all organizations. That’s why it’s our priority to enroll more women in our business majors and hire talented female faculty to lead in the classroom. The number of female faculty grew 46.6 percent from October 2013 to October 2019. We also take time to pause and honor women who are knocking it out of the park in their careers. We host the annual Ivy Women in Business Awards to honor women in business, and their champions. Check out this year’s honorees.

Collegiate Women in Business

Collegiate Women in Business
Ivy College of Business Collegiate Women in Business (CWIB) student members.

Collegiate Women in Business is a student organization designed to inspire, empower, and develop women pursuing a career in business. Students meet weekly to build a sense of achievement and confidence that will carry them into the future. This group meets weekly and is open to business focused students who are interested in supporting CWIB’s mission.

Diversity Advisory Committee

Our designated Diversity Advisory Committee includes faculty and staff who are involved in initiatives and tasks that aim to cultivate a diverse and inclusive climate for the faculty, staff, and students of the Ivy College of Business. Even though many initiatives of the committee relate to faculty and staff, this is important for you. The committee solicits feedback on student experiences and promotes best practices among faculty in creating a more inclusive classroom environment. Meet the Ivy College of Business faculty success advisor, Hui (Sophia) Feng.

Creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment is priority one.

Your experience is unique. Iowa State has a strong network of support to advise, assist and advocate for you.

Connect with us

  • Valentina Salotti

    Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

    Ivy College of Business

  • Hui (Sophia) Feng

    Faculty Success Advisor

    Ivy College of Business

  • Brady L. Talley

    Director of Multicultural Student Success

    Ivy College of Business

Incident reporting

If you have observed or been a target of a bias incident, harassment, hate crime, or discrimination, please report the incident via the Report It web page.

For more information, email or call 515-294-8300.