Ivy Custom Education
The Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University now offers customized executive education to businesses and organizations throughout Iowa. Ivy Custom Education is designed to take a focused and personal approach to professional development, offering in-person, hybrid, and interactive sessions designed to meet the particular needs of corporate clients.
Ivy Custom Education brings the expertise of the Ivy College of Business’s leading faculty to you. Whether your company is looking to develop and retain talent, manage change, or meet strategic business objectives, our program taps into the expertise of Ivy’s research faculty and teaching professionals to offer learning interventions and add strategic value to your organization.

Our custom education programs connect high-potential employees with the expertise and experience of our internationally known faculty. We design each program to meet the needs of any organization. We bring our faculty to you to enhance an organization’s learning journey.
David Spalding, Raisbeck Endowed Dean , Ivy College of Business
Ivy Custom Education
Connect your high-potential employees with the expertise and experience of our faculty through programs designed for the specific needs of your company. Contact us to get started.