MBA Ambassador

Swati KumariHello everyone!

Hi, I am Swati Kumari, and I am from the southern region of India. My passion lies in data analysis, where I excel in discerning meaningful insights from complex datasets. I am currently enrolled in a dual-degree program, which encompasses the MBA with a master’s in management information systems (MSIS). My internship experience allowed me to apply my analytical skills to real-world challenges, further enhancing my expertise in data-driven decision-making. In addition to my academic background and work experience, I actively engage in extracurricular activities on campus. My role with the Graduate Professional Student Senate (GPSS) positions me as a liaison for addressing concerns and issues related to the Ivy College of Business. I am also an ambassador for the MSIS program at Ivy.

  • Hometown: Hyderabad, India.
  • Undergraduate degree: computer science.
  • Work experience: digital marketing specialist and data analyst at Accenture; data science intern with data science for public good, Extension and Outreach, Iowa State University.
  • Extracurricular activities: business chair, Graduate Professional Student Senate (GPSS); teach barre and yoga at ISU recreation services.
  • Personal hobbies: yoga practitioner and plant enthusiast.