Ivy Profile

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Supply Chain Management
Office: 3363 Gerdin
Academic History
- Ph.D., Supply Chain Management, Chalmers University of Technology, 2012
- MSc, Applied informatics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2006
Academic Work Experience
Associate ProfessorLund University2012 - 2018Guest ProfessorWest Virginia University2017 - 2017Visiting professorVienna School of Economics2015 - 2017Professional Work Experience
Owner and consultantSternberg Consulting AB2006 - 2016ConsultantCambridge Technology Partners2001 - 2003Expertise
- Cabotage
- Technology Management
- Supply Chain Blockchain
- Design Science Research
- Supply Chain Transportation
- Supply Chain Transport Policy
Best doctoral dissertation, International Cargo Handling Association (ICHCA) 2012LRN Best paper award 2016Journal of Business Logistics Outstanding reviewer award 2019Research Acceleration Award 2020JBL Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020Professional Licenses and Certifications
SAP ERPSimSelected Publications
- Mindel, V., Overstreet, R.E., Sternberg, H., Mathiesen, L., and Phillips, N. (2024) "Digital activism to achieve meaningful institutional change: A bricolage of crowdsourcing, social media, and data analytics", Research Policy, 53 (3)Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Mathauer, M., & Hofmann, E. (2023) "Technology Management in Multi-Tier Chains: A Case Study of Agency in Logistics Service Outsourcing", Journal of Operations Management, 69 (4):536-557. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Linan, I., Prockl, G. & Norrman, A. (2022) "Tragedy of the facilitated commons: A multiple case study of failure in systematic horizontal logistics collaboration", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58 (4):30-57. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H.; Hofmann, E.; Overstreet, R.E. (2020) "Perils of road freight market deregulation: Cabotage in the European Union", International Journal of Logistics Management, Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Hofmann, E. & Roeck, D. (2021) "The Struggle is Real: Adoption Insights from a Supply Chain Blockchain Case", Journal of Business Logistics, 42 (1):71-87. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H. & M. Denizel (2021) "Towards the Physical Internet – logistics service modularity and design implications", Journal of Business Logistics, 42 (1):144-166. Link to Paper
- Collignon, S. & H. Sternberg (2020) "Adoption of multiple electronic marketplaces: Antecedents from a grounded theory study", Journal of Business Logistics, 41 (4):310-333. Link to Paper
- Roeck, D., Sternberg, H. & Hofmann E. (2020) "Distributed ledger technology in supply chains: a transaction cost perspective", International Journal of Production Research, 58 (1):2124-2141. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H. & Lantz, B. (2018) "Using crowdsourced data to analyze transport crime", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 21 (2):133-147. Link to Paper
- Palsson, H. & Sternberg, H. (2018) "LRN 2016 SPECIAL - high capacity vehicles andmodal shift from rail to road: combining macroand micro analyses", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 21 (2):115-132. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H. & Harispuru, L. (2017) "Identifying root causes of inefficiencies in road haulage: case studies from Sweden, Switzerland and Germany", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 20 (1):73-83. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H. & Norrman, A. (2017) "The Physical Internet - Review, analysis and future research agenda", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 47 (8):736-762. Link to Paper
- Nilsson, F., Sternberg, H. & Klaas-Wissing, T. (2017) "Who controls carbon emissions from transport and who cares? : Investigating the monitoring of environmental sustainability from a logistics service providers perspective", International Journal of Logistics Management, 28 (3):798-220. Link to Paper
- Prockl, G. & Sternberg, H. (2015) "Counting the minutes: Measuring truck driver time efficiency", Transportation Journal, 54 (2):275-287. Link to Paper
- Olhager, J., Pashei, S. & Sternberg, H. (2015) "Design of global production and distribution networks: A literature review and research agenda", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 45 (2):138-158. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Prockl, G. & Holmstrom, J. (2014) "The efficiency potential of ICT in haulier operations", Computers in Industry, 65 (8):1161-1168. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Germann, T. & Klaas-Wissing, T. (2013) "Who controls the fleet? Initial insights into the efficiency of road freight transport planning and control from an industrial network perspective", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 16 (6):493-505. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H & Andersson, M. (2014) "Decentralized intelligence in freight transport - A critical review", Computers in Industry, 65 (2):303-321. Link to Paper
- Sternberg, H., Nyquist, C. & Nilsson, F. (2012) "Enhancing security through efficiency focus -Insights from a multiple stakeholder pilot implementation", Journal of Business Logistics, 33 (1):63-72. Link to Paper