Ivy Profile

profile image of Michael Howe

Mike Howe

Title: Dean's Fellow in Management and Associate Chair, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship / Associate Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship
Office: 3317 Gerdin

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Academic History

  • Ph.D., Management (Organizational Behavior), Michigan State University, 2014
  • MBA, Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, 2004
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 2002


  • Motivation
  • Performance
  • Information Processing
  • Methods
  • Teams

Selected Publications

  • Paluzzi, H., Chen, H., Howe, M., Daugherty, P. & Tokar, T. (2024) "of Physical Distribution & Logistics ManagementConsumer impatience in the e-commerce home delivery context: a consumer-centric supply chain perspective for time-based competition", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 55 (1):1-21. Link to Paper
  • Howe, M., & Jin, Y. (2022) "It's nothing personal, or is it? Exploring the competitive implications of relational multiplexity in supply chains", Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58 (2):26-47. Link to Paper
  • Guo, Z. (A.), Heidl, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Yu, A., & Howe, M. (2022) "When discretionary boundary spanning relationships cease becoming discretionary: The impact of closed ties on informal leadership perceptions", Journal of Applied Psychology, 170 (6):898. Link to Paper
  • Summers, J. K., Howe, M., McElroy, J. C., Buckley, M. R., Pahng, P., and Cortes-Mejia, S. (2018) "A typology of stigma within organizations: Access and treatment effects", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39 (7):853-868. Link to Paper
  • Matusik, J. G., Heidl, R., Hollenbeck, J. R., Yu, A., Lee, H. W., and Howe, M. (2019) "Wearable Bluetooth sensors for capturing relational variables and temporal variability in relationships: A construct validation study", Journal of Applied Psychology, 104:357-387. Link to Paper
  • Howe, M. (2019) "General mental ability and goal type as antecedents of recurrent adaptive task performance.", Journal of Applied Psychology, 104:796-813. Link to Paper
  • Wilson, K. S., DeRue, D. S., Matta, F. K., Howe, M., and Conlon, D. E. (2017) "Personality similarity in negotiations: Testing the dyadic effects of similarity in interpersonal traits and the use of emotional displays on negotiation outcomes", Journal of Applied Psychology, 101:1405-1421. Link to Paper
  • Chaffin, D., Heidl, R., Hollenbeck, J. R., Howe, M., Yu, A., Voorhees, C., and Calantone, R. (2017) "The promise and perils of wearable sensors in organizational research", Organizational Research Methods, 20:3-31. Link to Paper
  • Koopman, J., Howe, M., Hollenbeck, J. R., and Sin, H. P. (2015) "Small sample mediation testing: Misplaced confidence in bootstrapped confidence intervals", Journal of Applied Psychology, 100:194-202. Link to Paper
  • Johnson, R. E., Howe, M., and Chang, C-H. (2013) "The importance of velocity, or why speed may matter more than distance", Organizational Psychology Review, 3:62-85. Link to Paper
  • Koopman, J., Howe, M., Johnson, R. E., Tan, J. A., and Chang, C-H. (2013) "A framework for developing word fragment completion tasks", Human Resource Management Review, 23:242-253. Link to Paper
  • Uhlmann, E. L., Leavitt, K., Menges, J. I., Koopman, J., Howe, M., and Johnson, R. E. (2012) "Getting explicit about the implicit: A taxonomy of implicit measures and guide for their use in organizational research", Organizational Research Methods, 15:553-601. Link to Paper