Ivy Profile

profile image of Jon Perkins

Jon Perkins

Title: Associate Professor / President, ISU Faculty Senate
Department: Accounting
Office: 3456 Gerdin


Academic History

  • Ph.D., Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003
  • Juris Doctor, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1995
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1991
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance & Banking; Economics, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1991

Professional Licenses and Certifications

Certified Management Accountant
Certified Public Accountant (Iowa)
Chartered Global Management Accountant
Member of the Missouri Bar

Selected Publications

  • Dilla, W., Janvrin, D., Perkins, J., & Raschke, R. (2023) "The Influence of Sustainability Assurance Report Format and Level on Nonprofessional Investors’ Judgments", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14 (6):1209-1241. Link to Paper
  • Moore, J., Perkins, J. D., & Jeffrey, C. (2022) "Does experiential tax learning matter? Evidence from college students", Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, 26:137-154. Link to Paper ,
  • Bootsma, M., Jeffrey, C., & Perkins, J. D. (2021) "Is there learning in service learning? Measuring the extend to which VITA participation improves student technical competence and soft skills.", Issues in Accounting Education, 36 (2):21-42. Link to Paper