Ivy Profile

Title: Max S. Wortman, Jr. Professor / Associate Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship
Office: 3121 Gerdin
Academic History
- Ph.D., Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Managem, Florida State University, 2009
- MBA, Management, Missouri State University, 2003
- B.S., Administrative Management, Missouri State University, 2002
- Team adaptation
- Political Skill
- Status
- Stigma
- Team communication
Selected Publications
- Liu, S., Summers, J. K., Guo, N., Li, X., & Wang, H. (2025) "Political Skill and Informal Leader Emergence: The Role of Relationships, Competence, and Outcome Interdependence", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 98 (1):e12560. Link to Paper
- Fletcher, K. A., Summers, J. K., Bedwell-Torres, W. L., Humphrey, S. E., Thomas, S. E., Garrett, S. L., & Ramsey, P. S. (2024) "Initial Development of Perceptions of Ability and Intent Factors of (Un)Trustworthiness in Short-Term Teams", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45 (7):1025-1046. Link to Paper
- Munyon, T. P., & Summers, J. K. (2024) "Emotion, Persuasion, and Team Adaptation: Advancing Theory Through Cinema", Academy of Management Review, 49 (1):182-196. Link to Paper
- Summers, J. K., Munyon, T. P., Brouer, R., Pahng, P., & Ferris, G. R. (2020) "The role of political skill in the stressor strain relationship: Meta-analytic development and competitive model testing. ", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118Link to Paper
- Manhart, P., Summers, J. K., & Blackhurst, J. (2020) "A meta-analytic review of supply chain risk management: Assessing buffering and bridging strategies and firm performance.", Journal of Supply Chain Management, Link to Paper
- Summers, J. K., Howe, M., McElroy, J. C., Buckley, M. R., Pahng, P., and Cortes-Mejia, S. (2018) "A typology of stigma within organizations: Access and treatment effects", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39 (7):853-868. Link to Paper
- Munyon, T. P., Summers, J. K., Thompson, K. A., & Ferris, G. R. (First two authors contributed equally, authorship is alphabetical) (2015) "Political skill and work outcomes: A theoretical extension, meta-analytic investigation, and agenda for future research.", Personnel Psychology, 68:143-184. Link to Paper