Ivy Profile

Annaleena Parhankangas is Kingland Professor and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Iowa State University, Ivy College of Business. She received her PhD from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland and has extensive research, teaching and administrative experience from various universities in Northern Europe and North America. Her research interests focus on the questions of how the inter-organizational relationships of new ventures affect their performance and innovativeness. Her most recent research focuses on entrepreneurial communication and how it may level the playing field for entrepreneurs and innovators that have been traditionally overlooked by business angels, venture capitalists and banks. Such underrepresented groups in entrepreneurship include women, immigrant, Indigenous and senior entrepreneurs. Annaleena Parhankangas teaches classes in Entrepreneurship and Innovation as well as International Entrepreneurship at Iowa State University.
Annaleena’s research and teaching has won many awards. Her research is published in top entrepreneurship and management journals, such as Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Organization Studies and Research Policy. She serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Business Venturing, Venture Capital: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, Academy of Management Perspectives and Administrative Sciences. In addition, she is an Associate Editor for Journal of Small Business Management.
Academic History
- Ph.D., Strategy and International Business, Helsinki University of Technology, 1999
- MSc in Industrial Management and Engineering, Strategy and International Business, Helsinki University of Technology, 1994
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Finance
- Entrepreneurial Communication
- International business
- Non-Stereotypical Entrepreneurs
The Journal of Small Business Management's Top 100 Reviewer for 2020 Award 2020Selected Publications
- Chan, R., Parhankangas, A., Hsu, D., & Oo, P. (forthcoming) "Bending Light: How Cognitive Styles Influence the Pitch Evaluations and Performance Predictions of Crowdfunded Ventures", Journal of Small Business Management, Link to Paper
- Maldonado-Bautista, I., Sanchez-Ruiz, P., & Parhankangas, A. (forthcoming) "Echoes of the Past: The Long-Lasting Effects of Entrepreneurs’ Generational Imprints on Value-Creation Models", Journal of Business Venturing,
- Oo, P., Sahayam, A., Chan, R.S., & Parhankangas, A. (forthcoming) "Serendipitous inventions: Are they rewarded or penalized in the crowdfunding context?", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
- Shestra, P., Thewissen, J., Arslan-Ayadin, O, & Parhankangas, A. (2023) "A sense of risk: Responses to crowdfunding risk disclosures”", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 17 (4):925-970. Link to Paper
- Mahajan, M., Chan, C. R., & Parhankangas, A. (2023) "Processing preferences and crowdfunding pitch evaluations", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20:e00410. Link to Paper
- Oo, P., Jiang, L., Sahayam, A., Parhankangas, A., & Chan, R.S. (2023) "Actions in Words: How Entrepreneurs Use Diversified and Changing Speech Acts to Achieve Funding Success", Journal of Business Venturing, 38 (2):106289. Link to Paper
- Parhankangas, A. & Colbourne, R. (2023) "Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation: A Typology of Indigenous Crowdfunding Campaigns", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47 (5):1617-1659.
- Chan, C. R., Park, H. D., Huang, J. Y., & Parhankangas, A. (2020) "Less is more? Evidence for a curvilinear relationship between readability and screening evaluations across pitch competition and crowdfunding contexts", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14Link to Paper
- Chan, C.S., Parhankangas, A., Sahayam, A., & Oo, P. (2020) "Bellwether and the herd? Unpacking the u-shaped relationship between prior funding and subsequent contributions in reward-based crowdfunding", Journal of Business Venturing, 35 (2):105934. Link to Paper
- Parhankangas, A., & Renko, M. (2017) "Linguistic style and crowdfunding success among social and commercial entrepreneurs", Journal of Business Venturing, 32:215-236. Link to Paper
- Chan, R.S., & Parhankangas, A. (2017) "Crowdfunding Innovations", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41 (2):237-263. Link to Paper
- Parhankangas, A., & Ehrlich, M. (2014) "How entrepreneurs seduce business angels: An impression management approach", Journal of Business Venturing, 29 (4):543-564. Link to Paper
- Feller, J., Parhankangas, A., Smeds, R, & Jaatinen, M. (2013) "How companies learn to collaborate: Emergence of improved inter-organizational processes in R&D alliances", Organization Studies, 34 (3):313-343. Link to Paper
- Parhankangas, A., & Landström, H. (2006) "How Venture Capitalists Respond to Unmet Expectations: The Role of Social Environment", Journal of Business Venturing, 21 (6):773-801. Link to Paper
- Sapienza, H.J., Parhankangas, A. & Autio, E. (2004) "Knowledge Relatedness, Learning and Growth of Young Industrial Spin-Off Firms", Journal of Business Venturing, 19 (6):809-829. Link to Paper
- Parhankangas, A and Arenius, P. (2003) "From a Corporate Venture to an Independent Company: A Base for a Typology for Corporate Spin-Off Firms", Research Policy, 32 (3):463-481.