Ivy Profile

(515) 294-8372
Dr. Denizel received her PhD in Decision and Information Sciences (1993) from Warrington School of Business at the University of Florida (UF). Since then, she worked at different academic capacities in the Warrington School of Business (UF), the Graduate School of Business at Sabanci University (Istanbul-Turkey), and Özyegin University (Istanbul-Turkey) where she served as the Dean of the Faculty of Business between 2013-2016. In 2016 she joined Iowa State University, Ivy College of Business, Department of Supply Chain Management.
Dr. Denizel works in the area of Operations Management. Her current research interests focus on sustainable operations and product recovery systems through which she aims to contribute to the highly critical issue of sustainable use of scarce resources. She also continues her research in mathematical modelling and production lot sizing. Her previous works include flexible manufacturing and interdisciplinary research in marketing and operations, organization studies and technology management. Her research appeared in various journals, including Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics, Production and Operations Management, Operations Research Letters, Computers and OR, European Journal of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, INTERFACES, Journal of International Research in Marketing, Decision Sciences, IIE Transactions, International Journal of Production Economics, Transportation Journal and Journal of Business Logistics.
Dr. Denizel teaches operations and supply chain management, business process analysis and design, management science applications, and linear optimization and extensions. She has taught in MBA, Executive MBA and PhD programs and was actively involved in several Executive Education programs.
Academic History
- Ph.D., Operations Managementt, University of Florida, 1993
- Master of Science, Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1986
- BSc, Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1983
- Process Analysis and Control
- Product Recovery Systems
- Supply Chain Management
Fulbright Senior Research Scholarship 20072008 Wickham Skinner Best Unpublished Paper Award First Prize 2008Selected Publications
- Suzuki, Y. & Denizel, M. (2024) "An Efficient System of Incentivizing Truck Drivers to Accept Night Loads", International Journal of Production Research, 62 (11):3819-3834. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., & Schumm, C. Z. (2024) "Closed Loop Supply Chains in Apparel: Current State and Future Directions", Journal of Operations Management, 70 (2):181-340. Link to Paper
- Zhuang, Y., Denizel, M. & Montabon, F. (2023) "Examining Firms’ Sustainability Frontier: Efficiency in Reaching the Triple Bottom Line", Sustainability, 15 (11):8871. Link to Paper
- Soytaş, M. A., Durak Uşar, D., & Denizel, M. (2021) "Estimation of the Static Corporate Sustainability Interactions Model", International Journal of Production Research, Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., Suzuki, Y., & Anderson, C. (2020) "Increasing Biofuel Proliferation via the Optimal Use of Government Incentives", Transportation Journal, 59 (4):399-419. Link to Paper
- Soytas, M. A., Denizel, M., & Usar, D. D. (2019) "Addressing endogeneity in the causal relationship between sustainability and financialperformance", International Journal of Production Economics, 210:56-71. Link to Paper
- Usar, D.D., Denizel, M., Soytas, M.A., (2019) "Corporate sustainability interactions: A game theoretical approach to sustainability actions", International Journal of Production Economics, 218:196-211. Link to Paper
- Yanikoglu, I. & Denizel, M. (2021) "The value of quality grading in remanufacturing under quality level uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 59 (3): 839-859. Link to Paper
- Solyali, O., Denizel, M., & Süral, H. (2015) "Effective Network Formulations for Lot Sizing with Backlogging in Two-Level Serial Supply Chains", IIE Transactions, 48 (2):146-157. Link to Paper
- Özdemir‐Akyıldırım, Ö., Denizel, M., & Ferguson, M. (2014) "Allocation of Returned Products among Different Recovery Options through an Opportunity Cost–Based Dynamic Approach", Decision Sciences, 45 (6):1083-1116. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., M. Ferguson, and B. Toktay (2013) "Incorporating Sustainability into Humanitarian Aid Operations: Recipient Selection in Donations of Medical Supplies", Operations Management Education Review, (7):49-78.
- Özdemir, Ö., Denizel, M., & Guide Jr, V. D. R. (2012) "Recovery Decisions of a Producer in a Legislative Disposal Fee Environment", European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (2):293-300. Link to Paper
- Kösedağ, A., Denizel, M., & Özdemir, Ö. (2011) "Testing for convergence in bank efficiency: a cross-country analysis,", 31 (9):1533-1547. Link to Paper
- Sural H., O. Solyali, M. Denizel (2010) "The one-warehouse multi-retailer problem with an order-up-to level inventory policy", Naval Research Logistics, 57 (7):653-666. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., M. Ferguson, and G. Souza (2010) "Multi-Period Remanufacturing Planning with Uncertain Quality of Inputs", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 57 (3):394-404. Link to Paper
- Sural H., M. Denizel, and L.V. Wassenhove (2009) "Lagrangean Relaxation Based Heuristics for Lot-sizing with Setup Times", European Journal of Operational Research, 194 (1):51-63. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., F. T. Altekin, H. Sural, and H. Stadtler (2008) "Equivalence of the LP Relaxations of Two Strong Formulations for the Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Setup Times", OR Spectrum, 30 (4):773-785. Link to Paper
- Batislam, E., M. Denizel, and A, Filiztekin (2007) "Empirical Validation and Comparison of Models for Customer Base Analysis", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24 (3):201-209. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., U. Ekinci, G. Ozyurt, D. Turhan (2007) "Ford-Otosan Optimizes Its Stocks Using a Six-Sigma Framework", Interfaces, 37 (2):97-107. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., H. Sural (2006) "On Alternative Mixed Integer Formulations and LP-based Heuristics for Lot-sizing with Setup Times", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57:389-399. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., B. Usdiken, and D. Tuncalp (2003) "Drift or Shift? Continuity, Change and International Variation in Knowledge Production in OR/MS", Operations Research, 51 (5):711-720. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M., (2003) "Minimization of Number of Tool Magazine Setups on Automated Machines: A Lagrangean Decomposition Approach", Operations Research, 51 (2):309-320. Link to Paper
- Denizel, M. and S. Sayin (1998) "Part-type Selection in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Bicriteria Approach with Due Dates", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49:659-669.
- Denizel, M., S. S. Erenguc, and H. Benson (1997) "Dynamic Lot-Sizing with Setup Cost Reduction", European Journal of Operational Research, 100:537-549.
- Denizel, M. and S. S. Erenguc (1997) "Exact Solution Procedures for a Class of Production Planning Problems in Flexible Manufacturing Systems", Computers and Operations Research, 24 (11):1043-1055.
- Denizel, M., S. S. Erenguc, and H. D. Sherali (1996) "Convex Envelope Results and Strong Formulations for a Class of Mixed Integer Programs", Naval Research Logistics, 43 (4):503-518.
- Denizel, M., and S. S. Erenguc (1993) "A Polynomial Algorithm for a Multi-item Capacitated Production Planning Problem", Operations Research Letters, 13 (5):287-293.
- Denizel, M., and S. S. Erenguc (1993) "A Branch and Bound Procedure for Setup Problems in Flexible Manufacturing Systems", Production and Operations Management, 2 (4):289-305.