Ivy Profile

profile image of Paul Sanchez-Ruiz

Paul Sanchez-Ruiz

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Management and Entrepreneurship
Office: 3117 Gerdin

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Academic History

  • Ph.D., Business Administration, Oklahoma State University, 2019
  • MS, Entrepreneurship, Oklahoma State University, 2014
  • MBA, Finance, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2012
  • BS, Law, Escuela Libre de Derecho de Puebla, 2007


  • Entrepreneurship strategy that focuses on the underlying psychological and behavioral predictors of entrepreneurial outcomes
  • Hispanic entrepreneurs and Hispanic-owned businesses
  • Family firm dynamics
  • Entrepreneurship within developing and traditional economies

Selected Publications

  • Sanchez, P., Pidduck, R.J., Phillips, D., Daspit, J. J., & Holt, D. T. (forthcoming) "From modesty to market: Shareholder reactions to humility rhetoric in family and nonfamily firms under media scrutiny", Small Business Economics, Link to Paper
  • Sanchez-Ruiz, P., Wood, M. S., Michaelis, T. L., & Suarez, J. (2023) "Entrepreneurs as Prime Targets: Insights from Mexican Ventures on The Link Between Venture Visibility and Crime of Varying Severity  ", Journal of Business Venturing, 38 (6):106339. Link to Paper
  • Sanchez-Ruiz, P., Wood, M. S., & Long-Ruboyianes, A. (2021) "Persuasive or polarizing? The influence of entrepreneurs' use of ingratiation rhetoric on investor funding decisions", Journal of Business Venturing, 36 (4):106120. Link to Paper
  • Sanchez-Ruiz, P., Daspit, J. J., Holt, D. T., & Rutherford, M. W. (2019) "Family Social Capital in the Family Firm: A Taxonomic Classification, Relationships With Outcomes, and Directions for Advancement", Family Business Review, 32 (2):131-153. Link to Paper
  • Sanchez-Ruiz, P., Maldonado-Bautista, I., & Rutherford, M. (2018) "Business stressors, family-business identity, and divorce in family business: A vulnerability-stress-adaptation (VSA) model", Journal of Family Business Strategy, 9 (3):167-179. Link to Paper
  • Rutherford, M. W., Pollack, J. M., Mazzei, M. J., & Sanchez-Ruiz, P. (2017) "Bootstrapping: Reviewing the Literature, Clarifying the Construct, and Charting a New Path Forward", Group and Organization Management, 42 (5):657-706. Link to Paper