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Meet Kathryn Dillon

Kathryn Dillon

Student Spotlight

Kathryn Dillon, a sophomore in international business and management from Sumner, Iowa, spent the summer at Farm Bureau Financial Services as a commercial claims and underwriting intern. Along with being a double degree student, Dillon is pursuing a minor in Spanish and is a member of both Collegiate Women in Business and the Student Alumni Leadership Committee. While her schedule doesn’t allow for much free time, Dillon makes an effort to keep a balance in her busy everyday life.

“I am a big extravert, so anything my friends are doing, I always want to do. Whether that’s dinner, going out for ice cream, or just a girl’s movie night, I am always down for just about anything. I also love scrapbooking, so taking pictures fits right in with that interest. You’ll also catch me taking classes at State Gym fairly regularly.”

For first-year students, internships aren’t that common, as most companies are looking for students with at least a year or two of collegiate experience. However, through the help of Dillon’s involvement in Collegiate Women in Business and a little hometown luck, an internship opportunity found its way to her.

“Through Collegiate Women in Business, I was able to attend a “TREK DAY” that the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce organized. We got the chance to meet with representatives from various companies. While speaking with a panel member, Brandon Denner from Farm Bureau, he recognized my hometown, which immediately grabbed my attention. We instantly connected as we went on to find out I had waitressed at a restaurant in his town. This was followed by the discussion of summer plans, which led to him asking if I had applied for anything at Farm Bureau, and the rest is history.”

“There will be times when you’re going to feel defeated, and you’re going to feel like you’ve made a wrong decision, but in all reality, you’ve got to stay confident and know what you want to get out of each experience you pursue. Having the confidence to do something is half the battle, so once you do that, it’s all downhill.”

— Kathryn Dillon

Through her connection with Denner, Dillon was able to meet with more members of Farm Bureau, introducing herself to their network. One of the managers there, Bailey Pease, was a former Collegiate Women in Business member, and another panelist was an Iowa State University graduate. With commonalities filling the Farm Bureau environment, Dillon had no doubt that the company would be perfect for her.

As a commercial claim and underwriting intern, Dillon worked in the Farm Bureau Commercial Business Unit, where her position mainly consisted of aiding commercial adjusters and handling her own claims from start to finish. At Farm Bureau, she has also had endless opportunities to network with professionals outside of her department and was able to learn about their positions through job shadows, company events, and even intern-specific events.

“I would love to note that while I initially felt very overwhelmed, especially with the thought of entering an insurance company as an intern, everyone at Farm Bureau has been nothing short of amazing. They have fostered an environment that has helped me learn comfortably and effectively while growing my interest in commercial claims.”

Dillon credits a lot of her success and comfort in what she’s doing to the opportunities she’s gained from the Ivy College of Business and her involvement in Collegiate Women in Business.

“It is the main thing that makes me feel most prepared for anything business related. Every week I meet with like-minded women and am given endless opportunities to grow as a young professional. I also wouldn’t be as confident in what I do without Business Career Services (BCS). Every student should know just how many opportunities they provide to help you succeed. I owe so much to BCS regarding what I know as a young professional — especially my career coordinators.”

As a first-year, or even second-year student, getting involved in clubs or pursuing an internship can sometimes be intimidating. That first step is always the hardest. However, as exemplified by Dillon’s involvement in Collegiate Women in Business, taking a chance on one opportunity often leads to doors opening on many more.

“There will be times when you’re going to feel defeated, and you’re going to feel like you’ve made a wrong decision, but in all reality, you’ve got to stay confident and know what you want to get out of each experience you pursue. Having the confidence to do something is half the battle, so once you do that, it’s all downhill.”

To connect with Dillon, or to follow her collegiate and professional journey, visit her LinkedIn page.

Learn more about Undergraduate Business Career Services.

Learn more about Ivy student organizations.

August 11, 2023