

Post your positions and register for career events.

Partnering together for student success

Your organization needs talent, and Ivy students are eager to contribute. Become a trusted employer partner by supporting students’ professional development, posting internships and jobs, and attending career events. We enjoy building relationships with you and value your industry knowledge. Together we can make a positive impact on the future of the workforce.

By the numbers

Review and download our most recent employment and internship statistics.

Recruitment strategies

  • Career Fair

    Familiar face

    Attend small- and large-scale career fairs. Generate interest through in-person or virtual information sessions. Reserve a space in the Business Career Services office for on-campus interviewing.

    Share interest
  • Mock interviews

    Stand-out employer

    Get involved with Ivy student organizations. Help students build skills and confidence through career conversations and mock interviews.

    Share interest
  • Cyclone champion

    Sponsor Business Week events. Share interest in serving on an advisory committee, guest speaking to a classroom, or supporting a case competition.

    Share interest

Career events

Our career events help you to build relationships with business students. Connect with them to share information about internships and full-time employment. Communicating with you helps them practice professional communication and networking skills. Our offerings include large-scale career fairs, major-specific networking events, industry speakers, practice interviews, information sessions, and more.

  • Mass Interview Day

    Mass Interview Day

Career Fair introductions

The career fair is fabulous; the events leading up to it are also outstanding! We continue to be impressed with the number of quality students we engage with. As an employer, I feel well taken care of during the events.

Finance company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Connect with us

Undergraduate Business Career Services

1320 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011

Employer Engagement Specialist

Colby Clark
1320 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, IA 50011