Sekar-RajuWelcome to the Department of Marketing at the Ivy College of Business

Marketing is a ubiquitous, dynamic, and exciting discipline that offers a wide variety of rewarding career opportunities.You’ll learn from world-class faculty and a curriculum that focuses on preparing you to be a critical thinker and creative problem-solver who has strong communication skills.

Meet the Ivy College of Business Department of Marketing faculty and staff.

Sekar Raju, Chair, Department of Marketing

It’s all about relationships

95% engagement

  • $56,232

    average marketing starting salary

Marketing’s principal function is to promote and facilitate exchange between companies and consumers by understanding customer needs, providing solutions to meet those needs, and creating value for both the customer and the firm. At Ivy, you’ll learn how marketing continuously evolves and how it shapes the success of businesses.

Ivy professors teach you how to increase demand for a product, how to increase brand/company recognition, and how to use the latest technologies to bring value to consumers. With years of industry experience, they bring real-world examples into our courses. What you learn in the classroom will help you shine outside it, help you with internship opportunities, and prepare you for a bright future, no matter which area of marketing you specialize in.

Marketing faculty key publications

Did you know?

The Ivy College of Business Department of Marketing has been ranked #41 worldwide and #35 among public universities for research publications in premier American Marketing Association (AMA) journals in the last 10 years. — AMA Research Productivity Report 2024

What’s happening?

The Ivy College of Business Department of Marketing hosts many events throughout the year, including the Marketing Colloquium Distinguished Speaker Series and the annual Ivy Sales Innovation Summit. Read more about this Ivy signature event below.

Ivy Sales Summit

Ivy Sales Innovation Summit

Designed for leaders who are seeking best practices in sales, the Ivy Sales Innovation Summit is a collaboration between the Ivy Sales Program and Iowa State University’s Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS).

Faculty research spotlight

Virtual Fitting Room Effect: Moderating Role of Body Mass Index

Huifang Mao

Journal of Marketing Research

An emerging virtual-reality technology, virtual fitting room (VFR), allows online shoppers to virtually try on clothes. Despite its increasing popularity, how this technology influences different consumer groups is unknown.

Huifang Mao is the Dean’s Fellow in Marketing and an assistant professor of marketing.

PhD student spotlight

Amir ZahediAmir Zahedi is a PhD candidate specializing in marketing. Prior to joining Iowa State University, Zahedi received his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Ferdowsi University, in Iran, and his master’s degree in entrepreneurship from the University of Tehran, in Iran. Zahedi has four years of experience working in the tech industry in both B2B and B2C sectors. His research interests include the areas of innovation and marketing strategies, especially those related to digital marketing, analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). Read more about Amir.

See where Ivy’s PhD students are placed after graduation

Gerdin Business Building

Research at Ivy

Faculty members across every department at the Ivy College of Business consistently contribute to their respective fields by regularly publishing in top journals. Researchers are vital to finding solutions to today’s business challenges.

Marketing department news

Raj Agnihotri, Morrill Professor, Mary Warner Fellow, and assistant dean of industry engagement:

  • Along with 22 scholars, participated in a global data coalition involving 76 sales executives representing 27 countries on five continents, which yielded a research project that was accepted for publication in the Journal of International Marketing. The title is “Global Events Demand Global Data: COVID-19 Crisis Responses and the Future of Selling and Sales Management Around the Globe.”
  • Had a paper, “Crisis-Driven Innovations in Marketing,” accepted for publication in Industrial Marketing Management. The paper was co-authored with Neha Rishi, Vinay Sharma, Devashish Das Gupta, and Y. P. Singh.
  • “Research Note: The Impact of CI Diversity and Organizational Tenure on the Relationship Between Competitive Intelligence and Sales Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review,” co-authored with Valter Vieira and Riley Dugan, was accepted for publication in the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.

Andrew Crecelius, associate professor of marketing, was interviewed for a WalletHub article, “Best Metal Credit Cards.”

Mike Gassmann, associate professor of practice in marketing, shared his insights on accountability, career success, and motivation with summer interns at TMC Transportation and Logistics. He delivered his presentation at the Ames office and online for remote interns nationwide. TMC is an Ivy Sales Forum member company and a strong supporter of Iowa State University.

View more news

Ashley Goreczny, assistant professor in marketing, was featured in a WalletHub article, “Best Bank Account Bonuses.”

Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and assistant dean of industry engagement, was mentioned in a Business Record article, “Ivy College of Business names Agnihotri to newly created position.”

Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and assistant dean of industry engagement, was named a Morrill Professor in the Inside Iowa State article, “Rising leaders pursue remedies for campus needs.”

Susan Fleming, assistant teaching professor, has been promoted to associate teaching professor of marketing.

Priyanka Jayashankar, adjunct assistant professor, has been promoted to adjunct associate professor of marketing.

Archived news

Ashley Goreczny, assistant professor of marketing, has been invited to revise and resubmit a paper to the European Journal of Marketing. The paper is titled “Impact Through Being Bottom-Up In Multi-Fold Realms: Unique Lessons from Journeying to Subsistence Marketplaces and Marketplace Literacy.”

Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and executive director of industry engagement:

  • had a paper recognized as one of the top cited articles of 2022-2023 by Decision Sciences Institute’s Decision Sciences Journal. The paper, “Drivers and Performance Implications of Frontline Employees’ Social Capital Development and Maintenance: The Role of Online Social Networks,” was co-authored with Patricia Daugherty, emeritus professor of supply chain management; Sudha Mani (Monash Business School); Nawar Chaker (Louisiana State University); and Prabakar Kothandaraman (State University of New York at Oswego).
  • has been awarded the title of Morrill Professor, which recognizes Iowa State faculty members whose professional work has demonstrated outstanding success in teaching and learning in undergraduate, graduate, and/or Extension/outreach programs, with a national or international reputation in their discipline. Brad Shrader was the last Ivy faculty member to hold the Morrill Professor title.


Wei Zhang, Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow, delivered a presentation titled, “Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Marketing: A Problem-Driven Framework,” at the 2024 INFORMS Analytics Conference. The presentation was adapted from “Artificial Intelligence for Business and Marketing: A Customer-centric Approach” by Wei and Raj Agnihotri, published in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.

Priyanka Jayashankar, adjunct associate professor of marketing, was quoted in the Farm News article, “Smart Digital Agriculture: Iowa State Hosts Ag-focused AI Hackathon.”

Huifang Mao, Dean’s Fellow and professor, had a paper accepted by Psychology & Marketing. “The Asymmetric Effect of Corporate Reputation Communication on Flagship and Non-flagship Product Evaluations” is coauthored with Zengxiang Chen, Tu Tu, and Haizhong Wang. Tu (‘2023 PhD) is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Wei Zhang, Kingland Systems Business Analytics Faculty Fellow; and Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and Executive Director of Industry Engagement, have published a commentary titled “Artificial Intelligence for Business and Marketing: A Customer-Centric Approach” in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.

Hui (Sophia) Feng, associate professor, presented a paper titled “CMO Power and Strategic Alliance Success” at the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference in St Pete, Florida, on February 24.

Hui Feng, associate professor of marketing, had her paper, “Marketing Capabilities and Shelby Hunt: Contributions, Current State, and the Future,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing Management. The paper was co-authored with Neil A. Morgan (University of Wisconsin–Madison).

Hui Zhang, PhD student, co-authored the following papers with Sekar Raju, Gary and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow and chair of the Department of Marketing:

  • “Busy Bias: Your Busyness Indicates Competence, Mine Does Not,” has been accepted as a competitive paper for the virtual component at the 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, held February 23-25 in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
  • The same submission has also been accepted for a poster presentation at the Judgment and Decision-Making preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2024 Annual Convention, held February 8 in San Diego, California.
  • “The Zero Bias in Linguistic Framing: Zero Is More Definitive, and Free Is More Ambiguous,” has been accepted as a poster for the in-person component at the 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, held February 23-25 in St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Minzhe Xu, assistant professor of marketing, received a revise-and-resubmit invitation from the Journal of Consumer Research in December 2023 for a paper co-authored with Amin Shiri, Felipe M. Affonso, Diego Aparicio, Xiang Wang, Marco Bertini, and Chris Janiszewski.

Steve Kim, Raisbeck Endowed Professor in Business, received a revise-and-resubmit invitation from the Journal of Retailing. The paper was co-authored with Amrit Tiwana (University of Georgia) and Pushpinder Gill (’22 PhD). Pushpinder is now an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario.

Steve Kim also:

  • Had a paper with Amrit Tiwana receive an R&R from the Journal of Management Information Systems.
  • Had two papers, one with Pushpinder Gill and the other co-authored with Preetinder Kaur (’22 PhD) and Pushpinder Gill, accepted for presentation at the 2024 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference. Preetinder is teaching at the University of Windsor and St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario.

Sekar Raju, Gary and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow and chair of the Department of Marketing, was quoted in a Business Record article, “Trend of Online Sales Expected to Pick Up Pace in 2024, Reshaping Business Model and Need for Space.”

Michael Bootsma, Dean’s Teaching Fellow in Accounting, and Sekar Raju, Gary and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow and chair of the Department of Marketing, were mentioned in an Inside Iowa State article, “Iowa State Launches Reaccreditation Process.”

Andrew Crecelius, associate professor of marketing, was featured in a KCCI 8 news segment, “Most Cyber Monday Deals are Expected to Last for Most of the Holiday Season.”

Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and Executive Director of Industry Engagement, was a guest on episode 58 of the CIRAS podcast “Industry Iowa” discussing Ivy Custom Education.

A profile of Samantha Cross, associate professor of marketing, titled “Get to Know Samantha Cross,” was published in the Iowa State Research Discoveries and Developments newsletter.

Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow and professor of marketing, had a paper, “Social Media Analytics for Business-to-Business Marketing,” accepted by Industrial Marketing Management. The paper was co-authored with Khashayar Afshar Bakeshloo (’23 PhD) and Sudha Mani.

Additional accepted papers include:

  • “Influencer Marketing Research: Review and Future Research Agenda,” accepted by Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, co-authored with Eugene Cheng-Xi Awe.
  • “Sales Technology Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda,” accepted by Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, co-authored with Nawar N. Chaker, Riley Dugan, John M. Galvan, and Edward Nowlin.
  • “A Desire for Success: Exploring the Roles of Personal and Job Resources in Determining the Outcomes of Salesperson Social Media Use,” accepted by Industrial Marketing Management, co-authored with Ashish Kalra, Nawar N. Chaker, Rakesh Singh, and Omar S. Itani.

Hui Zhang, PhD student, had her paper, “Busy Bias: Your Busyness Indicates Competence, Mine Does Not,” accepted as a poster presentation at the 2023 Society of Judgment and Decision Making Conference in San Francisco, California, November 17-20.

Huifang Mao, professor of marketing, received a revise-and-resubmit invitation from the Journal of Consumer Psychology for the paper, “Less is More: The Effects of Facial Prominence on Consumer Responses to Marketing Communications,” co-authored with Lam An, Ze Wang, Xia Wang, and Jonathan Hasford.

Andrew Crecelius, associate professor of marketing:

  • Had his paper, “Multichannel Discount Spillover in B2B markets,” accepted for publication in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The paper was co-authored with J.M. Lawrence, R.W. Palmatier, and J.Z. Zhang.
  • Has a paper that has been invited for a third-round revision at MIS Quarterly.
  • Has reached 200 Google Scholar citations.

Amir Zahedi, PhD student, had his dissertation proposal, “The Value of Marketing Analytics Innovation,” selected as the winner of the 2023 PDMA Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition. The award comes with a $3,000 prize and additional funds to attend and be recognized at the 2023 PDMA Conference in New Orleans, Louisana, in September.

Ju-Yeon Lee, associate professor of marketing, received a revise-and-resubmit from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science for a paper co-authored with Hari Sridhar, Shuai Yan, and Narendra Bosukonda.

Hui (Sophia) Feng, associate professor of marketing, has been appointed as an associate editor at the Journal of Business Research.

Samantha N. N. Cross, associate professor of marketing:

  • Was selected to participate in the Cardinal Women Leadership Program (August-December).
  • Completed a Fulbright Specialist Assignment to the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, in Barbados in May 2023.
  • co-chaired a special session on “Pitfalls and Triumphs in Conducting Research on Racism and Discrimination” at the Marketing and Public Policy Conference (MPPC) in Arlington, Virginia, in June 2023.
  • Co-chaired a track on “Growing Diversity and Inclusion-Engaged Marketing (DIEM) Research, Practice and Education for Consumer Well-Being in Multicultural Marketplaces” at the 2023 Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) Dialogical Conference, with a follow-up practitioner forum in London in June 2023.
  • Was the invited keynote speaker at an early career researcher network event, “Marketplace Diversity: From Exclusion, Restriction and Mistreatment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” funded by the British Academy and hosted by the University of Leicester (UK) in June 2023.
  • presented in a focused forum on “Conceptualising Consumption Injustices” at the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Conference at Lund University in Sweden in June 2023.
  • Wrote an article, “Together We Rise: How Social Movements Succeed,” that has risen to become the Journal of Consumer Psychology’s most downloaded article in total downloads as of March 2023. The article, co-authored with Gia Nardini, Tracy Rank-Christman, Melissa G. Bublitz, and Laura A. Peracchio, has more than 27,480 downloads, and is one of the top 10 most downloaded articles across all of Wiley’s 1,600 journals.

Ashley Goreczny, assistant professor of marketing, presented her work, “The Unique Approach to Buyer-Supplier Relationships for Underrepresented-Lead Firms: An Empirical Examination,” at the Summer American Marketing Association conference in San Francisco, California, on August 6. It was co-authored with Samantha Cross and Raj Agnihotri, Mary Warner Fellow, executive director of industry engagement, and professor of marketing.

Ivy Sales Program

The Ivy Sales Program prepares you for a career in professional sales as soon as you graduate. There are more than 4,800 colleges and universities in the United States and less than three percent currently host academic sales programs. Within that, only a handful such as Iowa State, belong to R1 category, which is the highest level of Carnegie Classification.

Ivy Sales Forum

The Ivy Sales Forum is a collaboration between academia and industry. The Ivy Sales Forum strives to advance the growth and effectiveness of professional sales and works along with its corporate partners to provide sales certificate students with relevant experiential learning opportunities.

Executive Advisory Council

The Department of Marketing Executive Advisory Council meets to provide advice concerning the recruitment of students, the shaping of the curriculum, trends in the industry, and other priorities set by members of the council for our marketing programs and department.

Meet the council members

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Department of Marketing

Ivy College of Business
2341 Gerdin Business Building
2167 Union Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011

Sekar Raju

Chair, Department of Marketing
Gerald and Margaret Pint Faculty Fellow
Associate professor of marketing

Alyssa Maldonado