Mike Lerman and Huiqing Ju, PhD candidate in management and entrepreneurship, along with their author team (B.N. Nikolaev), had their paper, “Towards a Coping-in-Combination Approach: The Benefits of Combining Coping Strategies for Purpose in Life of the Self-Employed,” accepted at Business Research Quarterly.
Deidra Schleicher, John and Deborah Ganoe Professor in Business, along with her author team (Anthony Nyberg, Brad Bell, Corine Boon, Peter Cappelli, David Collings, Joseph Dalle Molle, Stefan Feuerriegel, Barry Gerhart, Yoojin Jeong, Audrey Korsgaard, Dana Minbaeva, Rob Ployhart, Sonny Tambe, Ingo Weller, Pat Wright, and Valery Yakubovich) received a revise-and-resubmit on their AI-HR paper, “A Brave New World of HR Research: Identifying Grand Challenges of the GenAI Revolution” at Journal of Management.
Manjot Bhussar, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, along with their author team (Michelle Zorn, Garry Adams, and Geoffrey Silvera), had their paper, “Tug of War? Exploring the Role of Acquirer and Target CEO-level Acquisition Experience in Deal Completion,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Research.
Paul Sanchez-Ruiz and Ileana Maldonado-Bautista, both assistant professors of management and entrepreneurship, had their paper, “Echoes of the Past: The Long-Lasting Effects of Entrepreneurs’ Generational Imprints on Value-Creation Models,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.
Ileana Maldonado-Bautista, along with her author team (Huiqing Ju, PhD candidate in management and entrepreneurship; Sheila Guo, a second-year PhD student at the University of Oklahoma; and Paul Sanchez-Ruiz), had her book chapter, “Social Entrepreneurship Models from the Global South,” accepted for publication in the Social Entrepreneurship Handbook. Publication is scheduled for 2025.
Kaushik Gala, PhD candidate in management and entrepreneurship, received the Best Reviewer Award for the entrepreneurship division at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Julie Caspar, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, presented at the Iowa SHRM State Conference in Coralville, Iowa, at the end of September. Her presentation was on the “Ins and Outs of Pay Transparency,” with over 100 human resource professionals in attendance.
Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management:
- Presented “Bayesian Analyses for Replication Studies: New Opportunities for Strategic Management Researchers” at the Strategic Management Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, on October 22. The paper, which was co-authored with D. Bergh, R. Powell, and Y. Zhao, was runner-up for the Best Conference Method Paper Award.
- Served on a panel with L. Schurer Lambert, D. Bergh, P. Hűnermund, A. McKenny, R. Reger, and S. Wolfolds discussing “Tips for Writing Methodological Contributions” at the Strategic Management Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, on October 21.
Melissa Chamberlain, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, was a speaker at the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship’s SheTalks event on October 17.
Mike Howe, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, and his author team had a paper, “Consumer Impatience in the E-Commerce Home Delivery Context: A Consumer-Centric Supply Chain Perspective for Time-Based Competition,” accepted by the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. The author team includes Haley Paluzzi (’24 PhD), assistant professor of supply chain management at Colorado State University; Haozhe Chen, Walker Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and chair of the Department of Supply Chain Management; Pat Daugherty, emeritus professor of supply chain management; and Travis Tokar (Texas Christian University).
Melissa Chamberlain, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, and the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship were mentioned in the Business Record’s InnovationIOWA Weekly newsletter in a story about the SheTalks event on October 17.
Melissa Chamberlain, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, and the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship were mentioned in the Business Record’s Fearless newsletter in a story about the SheTalks event on October 17.
Natallia Gray, assistant dean, was mentioned in the Business Record’s daily newsletter, “ISU Business College Adds Trinity Health Partnership for Health Care Management Internships.”
Natallia Gray, assistant dean and associate teaching professor in management and entrepreneurship:
- Hosted an educational panel, “Meeting the Needs of Today’s Healthcare Consumer,” and networking event in collaboration with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) of Iowa on September 18. The event had a great turnout and included industry professionals, healthcare management students, Ivy faculty, and the broader Iowa State community. John Meyer, associate professor of practice in management and entrepreneurship, served as the moderator. Read more.
- With Kathy Wieland, former director of Business Career Services, met with Care Initiatives, the largest single operator of nursing homes in Iowa. As a result of the meeting, the parties agreed to enter into a partnership to provide internship opportunities for Ivy healthcare management students.
- Was nominated for the September Teacher of the Month Award by Ivy Student Council.
Clay Thomas, assistant teaching professor in management and entrepreneurship, received the Award for Early Achievement in Teaching, which was presented at the 2024 University Awards Ceremony on September 25.
Melissa Chamberlain, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, was quoted in an Inside Iowa State article, “A Bit of Structure for Your Writing Demands.”
Kristie Moergen, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, won the 2024 Excellence in Reviewing Award from Human Resource Management Review.
Ann Wright, teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, published a book, “Leading the Team Within.”
Mike Howard, Hilsinger-Janson Professor and professor of management and entrepreneurship, had his paper, “Directors in New Technology Ventures: An Empirical Inquiry,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.
At the 2024 Academy of Management meeting, Mike Lerman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, won the Organizational Behavior Division “Best Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications” award for a paper titled, “Equity Splits, Temptation to Quit, and Battles of Wit: An Ethnographic Investigation of the Processes of Startup Team Development.”
Laura D’Oria, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, and Dave Cantor, Ruan Chair in Supply Chain Management, had their paper, “Do Supply Chain Characteristics Influence a Rival Firm’s Responses to a Focal Firm’s Product Preannouncements? A Competitive Dynamics Perspective,” accepted for publication at the Journal of Business Logistics.
Kaushik Gala, PhD student in management and entrepreneurship, and Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management and Entrepreneurship, had their paper, “Stars Everywhere: Revealing the Prevalence of Star Performers Using Empirical Data Published in Entrepreneurship Research,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management:
- Had a paper, “Bayesian Analyses for Replication Studies: New Opportunities for Strategic Management Researchers,” accepted for presentation at the Strategic Management Society Conference scheduled for October 19-22 in Istanbul, Turkey. The paper, which was co-authored with D.D. Bergh, R. Powell, and Y. Zhao, was nominated for the Best Method Paper Award at the SMS Conference.
- Had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Inquiry. The paper, “How Muriel’s Tea Stained Management Research Through Statistical Significance Tests,” was co-authored with William H. Starbuck (University of Oregon).
Two management and entrepreneurship faculty were honored at the college’s annual Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony on May 7:
- Robert Olinger, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, received the Assistant Term Faculty Teaching Award.
- Deidra Schleicher, John and Deborah Ganoe Professor in Business and outgoing department chair, was honored with the Faculty Inclusion Excellence Award.
Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management:
- Has been named a winner of the 2024 Award for Responsible Research in Management, presented by Fellows of the Academy of Management and the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM). The award was for the paper, “Racial Disparity in Leadership: Evidence of Valuative Bias in the Promotions of National Football League Coaches,” co-authored with C. Rider, J. Wade, and A. Swaminathan and published in the American Journal of Sociology.
- Now serves on the Board of Governors’ Research Methods Committee of the Academy of Management.
Clay Thomas, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, was honored with a 2024 University Award for early achievement in teaching.
Melissa Chamberlin, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, received a 2023 Best Ad Hoc Reviewer Award from the Journal of Applied Psychology. The award was given to only three of 800 ad hoc reviewers.
Mike Lerman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship:
- Had a paper nominated as a finalist for the OB Division 2024 AOM Meeting Best Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications Award. The paper, “Equity Splits, Temptations to Quit, and Battles of Wit: Faultline Evolution During New Venture Team Development,” was co-authored with Melissa Cardon and Sherry Thatcher.
- Has been elected as the next treasurer of SMA.
Natallia Gray, assistant dean and associate teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship:
- Attended the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) annual meeting, for which she served on the conference planning committee and judged poster presentations.
- Participated in the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) Annual Forum. Her participation in this event was sponsored by Mary Greeley Medical Center.
- Signed new internship partnerships with Boone County Hospital and Trinity Health in Minot, North Dakota, which expand experiential learning opportunities for healthcare management students.
A new scholarship has been established for healthcare management majors. The Christi Shaw Family Scholarship provides a generous gift of $9,500 to support Ivy students. Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and be from Clayton or Fayette counties in Iowa.
Six Ivy faculty were mentioned in an Iowa State Research article, “OVPR Welcomes 20 Faculty to Research Collaboration Catalysts 2024-2025 Cohort,” including:
Clay Thomas, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, was recognized in the Inside Iowa State article, “Congratulations, university award recipients,” for receiving the Award for Early Achievement in Teaching.
Annaleena Parhankangas, Kingland Systems Professor in Entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (a departmental A journal). The paper, “Serendipitous Inventions: Are They Rewarded or Penalized in the Crowdfunding Context?” was co-authored with P. Oo, A. Sahayam, and R.S. Chan.
Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management:
- Has been promoted to full professor.
- Has been re-appointed to the editorial review board of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (a departmental A journal) for a three-year term.
Ann Wright, teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, has been selected to be the Pappajohn Center Summer Faculty Fellow for 2024.
Clay Thomas, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at Work and Occupations (a departmental A- journal). The paper, “Professional in Practice: Stigma Management Strategies of Workers with Concealed Mental Health Conditions,” was co-authored with Jane VanHeuvelen (University of Minnesota) and Shibashis Mukherjee (XLRI Jamshedpur).
James Summers, Max S. Wortman, Jr. Professor, had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Organizational Behavior (a departmental A- journal). The paper is titled “Initial Development of Perceptions of Ability and Intent: Factors of (Un)Trustworthiness in Short-Term Teams.”
Marc Anderson, Dean’s Fellow in Management, was promoted to full professor.
Mike Lerman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship:
- Has been nominated for the representative at-large position in the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management.
- Has been nominated for the treasurer role at SMA (Southern Management Association).
Natallia Gray, assistant dean, has been awarded a Miller Faculty Fellowship for her proposal “Using ‘Friday Night in the ER,’ an Experiential Learning Game, to Teach System Thinking in Healthcare Management Classes.”
Paul Sanchez-Ruiz, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, has been selected to be the Pappajohn Center Faculty Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Yanjaa Shuumarjav, PhD candidate, has accepted a tenure-track job offer at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.
Natallia Gray, assistant dean; John Meyer, associate professor of practice in management and entrepreneurship; Manjot Bhussar, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship; and Robert Olinger, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, were mentioned in an Inside Iowa State article, “Nine Teaching-Based Projects Selected for Miller Fellowships.”
Ryan Bhattacharyya, professor of practice in management and entrepreneurship, was mentioned in an Inside Iowa State article, “Senators Learn More About Cyclone Support.”
The Miller Faculty Fellowship proposal “Using ‘Friday Night in the ER,’ an Experiential Learning Game, to Teach System Thinking in Healthcare Management Classes” has been funded in the amount of $6,755.00. Faculty collaborators include Natallia Gray, assistant dean; John Meyer, associate professor of practice; Robert Olinger, assistant teaching professor; and Manjot Bhussar, assistant professor.
Paul Sanchez-Ruiz, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had his paper published in the Journal of Business Venturing. It was selected as the 2023 Lazaridis Award for the Journal of Business Venturing’s Best Paper of the Year.
Natallia Gray, assistant dean, and Jo-el Sprecher, director of patient experience and safety at Mary Greeley Medical Center, presented “Epidemic of Loneliness in the U.S.” at Iowa State University’s inaugural Healthapalooza event, an interdisciplinary, week-long competition aimed at creating positive change in community health.
John Meyer, associate professor of practice, participated in event planning and served as one of the judges for the inaugural Healthapalooza event at Iowa State.
Melissa Chamberlin, associate professor, had a paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Organizational Behavior (Chamberlin, M., Nahrgang, J. D., Sessions, H., & de Jong, B.) “An Examination of Shared Leadership Configurations and Their Effectiveness in Teams.”
A publication co-authored by Paul Sanchez-Ruiz, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, was cited in The Horizons Tracker article, “How Crime Affects Entrepreneurs.”
An article by Taylor Stoeckler, executive MBA coordinator, and Sam DeMarie, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship and director of the executive MBA program, appeared on the Women in Agribusiness website article “Career Corner: How to Know if an MBA is the Right Choice for You.”
Huiqing Ju, PhD student, and Annaleena Parhankangas, Kingland Systems Professor of Entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted for presentation at the 2024 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Munich, Germany. The paper is titled, “How Do Entrepreneurs and Investors Cocreate the Path to Equity Crowdfunding Success?”
John Meyer, associate professor of practice in management and entrepreneurship, was elected to join the board of the Iowa chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). This will provide a wealth of connections for our healthcare programs and the college.
Kristie Moergen, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at the Journal of Management (a departmental A and Ivy Elite journal). This paper falls within Kristie’s ethics-related stream of research and uses data on EPA violations. The paper, “Peer Response to Regulatory Enforcement: Lobbying by Non-Sanctioned Firms,” was co-authored with S. Kolomeitsev, J. Ridge, D. Worrell, and S. Kuban.
Mike Lerman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at the Journal of Business Venturing Insights. The paper, “When the Going Gets Tough…: Stressors and Purpose in Life Among Social and Commercial Entrepreneurs,” was co-authored with S. Dwyer and D. Gras.
Paul Sanchez-Ruiz, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a blog post in the news blast of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. The Practitioner’s Corner post is titled, “A Professor’s Story, How One Moment Can Impact Your Life.”
Rita McClain, associate teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, received the October Teacher of the Month award from Ivy Student Council.
Sophie Pychlau, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at the Journal of Applied Psychology (a departmental A and Ivy Elite journal). The paper, “Self-Inconsistency or Self-Expansion from Wearing Multiple Hats? The Daily Effects of Enacting Multiple Professional Identities on Work Meaningfulness,” was co-authored with Hudson Sessions.
Yann-Guenter Queckenstadt, former lecturer in management and entrepreneurship and PhD student in hospitality management, successfully passed his final defense for his dissertation at the end of the fall 2023 semester. His dissertation title was “COVID-19 Impact on the Swiss Hospitality Performance: A Time Series Analysis on 4-star Hotel Arrivals Using Seasonal ARIMA with Intervention Analysis.” Congratulations, Dr. Queckenstedt!
Research by Kristie Moergen, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, was featured in the article “Show, Don’t Tell: Attracting a Diverse Workforce,” published in the Iowa State Research Discoveries and Developments newsletter.
Natallia Gray, associate teaching professor of management and director of the undergraduate healthcare management program, was quoted in an article in the Iowa State Daily, “College of Business and UnityPoint Health Team Up for Internship Opportunities.”
Natallia Gray, associate teaching professor of management and director of the undergraduate healthcare management program, was profiled in an article in the Iowa State Daily, “Hospital Trustee Profile: Natallia Gray.”
Kaushik Gala, PhD student, and Brandon Mueller, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, had two papers accepted for publication:
- “Students’ Assumptions of Entrepreneurs’ Performance: The Paradox of Excess Entry and Missed Opportunity,” co-authored with Carlos Valladares (’23 PhD) in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
- “Religion and Entrepreneurial Exits: Divine Attributions and Eternal Time-frames,” in the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion.
Natallia Gray, associate teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, had her article, “Teaching Root Cause Analysis in Healthcare Management with Grey’s Anatomy,” selected as the Best Teaching Brief in the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education in 2023.
Annaleena Parhankangas, Kingland Systems Professor of Entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (a departmental A journal). The paper, “A Sense of Risk: Behavioral Perspectives on Crowdfunding Risk Communication,” was co-authored with P. Shestra, J. Thewissen, and O. Arslan-Ayadin.
Andreas Schwab, Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Management and associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, was invited to join the Journal of Management Research Methods Task Force as a designated methods reviewer.
Clay Thomas, assistant teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship, received an Outstanding Reviewer Award from two divisions at the Academy of Management (AOM) conference. He was recognized in both divisions for which he reviewed: healthcare management and organization and management theory.
Elle Yoon, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, and Scott Johnson, professor of management and entrepreneurship, were honored with awards from the research methods division at this year’s AOM conference:
- 2022 RMD Best Professional Development Workshop Award Winner: “Endogeneity: Myths, Legends, and Facts – Second Annual.” Organized by Elle Yoon and Daniel Gamache (University of Georgia).
- Scott Johnson was awarded the 2023 Sage Publications/Robert McDonald Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology Award for “Endogeneity: A Review and Agenda for the Methodology-Practice Divide Affecting Micro and Macro Research,” published in the Journal of Management. The paper was co-authored with A.D. Hill, L.M. Greco, E.H. O’Boyle, and S.L. Walter.
Ileana Maldonado-Bautista, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship:
- received an award for her dissertation from the Markets and Management PhD Dissertation Award Program.
- presented two papers at the 2023 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC): “Entrepreneur Political Ideology Divergence and Stakeholder Strategy: The Role of Stakeholder Activism and Institutional Protection” and “An Influence of Entrepreneurs’ Positive Affect and Prosocial Behavior on Stakeholder Management Strategies.” Both were selected as two of the Top 40 papers and will be published in their entirety in the 2023 edition of Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, BCERC Proceedings.
Kaushik Gala, PhD student, authored a paper with Andreas Schwab and Brandon Mueller, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, that has been accepted at the Journal of Business Venturing (a departmental A and Ivy elite journal). The paper is “Star Entrepreneurs on Digital Platforms: Heavy-Tailed Performance Distributions and Their Generative Mechanisms.”
Kristie Moergen, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had her Leadership Quarterly paper selected as a finalist for LQ’s 2022 Best Paper Award. The paper “Let’s Agree About Nice Leaders: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Agreeableness and its Relationship with Leadership Outcomes” was co-authored with Andrew Blake, Vivian Luu, Oleg Petrenko, William Gardner, and Maira Ezerins. Read more.
Laura D’Oria, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, was invited to the Oxford (United Kingdom) Reputation Symposium, an invitation-only conference in the social evaluation space. During the conference, there will be a planning meeting for the upcoming Oxford Handbook on Organisational Social Evaluations, for which Laura will be a contributor. She is co-authoring a chapter on celebrity.
Marc Anderson, Dean’s Fellow in Management and associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted in Journal of Business and Psychology. The paper, “Determining the Hierarchical Structure and Nature of Servant Leadership,” was co-authored with P.S. Sun and H. Gang.
Mike Howard, Hilsinger-Janson Professor and professor of management and entrepreneurship, received the Academy of Management Journal Best Reviewer Award for 2023, announced at the AMJ Editorial Review Board meeting at AOM in Boston.
Mike Lerman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had his experience sampling study on entrepreneur hustle selected by the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference for publication in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Natallia Gray, associate teaching professor of management and entrepreneurship:
- had a manuscript, “Teaching Root Cause Analysis in Healthcare Management with Grey’s Anatomy,” accepted for publication in the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.
- was instrumental in securing a Memorandum of Understanding with UnityPoint Health – Des Moines to create an internship partnership for Ivy healthcare management students.
Paul Sanchez-Ruiz, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had a paper accepted at the Journal of Business Venturing (a departmental A and Ivy elite journal). The paper is titled “Entrepreneurs as Prime Targets: Insights from Mexican Ventures on The Link Between Venture Visibility and Crime of Varying Severity.” Read more.
Yan Huang, adjunct assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, had an article accepted for publication in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. The paper “The Application of Real Option in International Business Research” was co-authored with Tailan Chi.